How is fish oil good for hair

How Is Fish Oil Good For Hair?

Fish oil is great for our overall health. The oil contains omega-3 fatty acids and some other acids, which improve our health and benefit multiple organs. Read this article to know everything about fish oil, especially, how is fish oil good for our hair!

What is fish oil?

Fish oil is a type of oil that is extracted from their tissues. It is made of healthy fat. Because of its high quantity of omega-3 fatty acids, it is one of the most consumed dietary supplements. 

We need omega-3 fatty acids for healthy growth. It helps our organs to function correctly. When we consume them, we get all the nutrients. Apart from omega-3, this oil also has some essential vitamins and fats.

General benefits of fish oil:

Fish oil has several health benefits, such as-

  • It keeps our nails healthy and strong
  • It is great for our hair
  • It is great for our eye health
  • Keeps our heart healthy
  • It regulates our cholesterol level
  • Reduces blood pressure
  • Fish oil may treat some mental disorder
  • It aids us in our weight loss
  • It activates brain cells
  • It helps to reduce inflammation
  • It is great for our skin. 
  • It can reduce liver fat
  • It removes depression
  • Fish oil helps hyperactive children
  • It also improves bone health

Benefits of fish oil for hair:

Many people suffer from hair issues. Many reasons can cause early hair loss or hair graying. Damaged, frizzy, and uneven hair is very common these days.

Benefits of Fish Oil for Hair. How is fish oil good for hair
Benefits of Fish Oil for Hair

To cure all issues, people consume fish oil. Omega-3 is great for our hair. Some of the benefits are mentioned below:

1. Benefits hair follicles

For good hair, the follicles must stay healthy. Hair follicles need various nutrients to keep healthy. Fish oil is rich in protein and nutrients. Omega-3 provides our hair follicles all the required nutrients and keeps them healthy and strong.

2. Prevents inflammation

Majority of us suffer from hair loss. One of the significant reasons accounting for the hair loss is hair follicle inflammation. Fish oil effectively prevents hair follicle inflammation and thus reduces hair loss significantly. So, instead of using chemical products, consuming fish oil will prevent hair loss naturally.

3. Better blood circulation

Smooth blood circulation throughout our body keeps every organ working. Some apply oil on hair or massage the scalp for better blood circulation. This enhances hair growth. Interestingly, fish oil improves the blood circulation in our scalp and aids in hair growth.

4. Adds shine to your hair

Fish oil makes your hair look good. No one likes to have dull and frizzy hair. We use different products to tame our hair. Thankfully, fish oil and the omega-3 in it bring a shine to your hair and make them smooth.

5. Prevents hair thinning

Hair thinning is a widespread problem now. Due to various reasons, our hair becomes thin and weak. This causes hair loss, hair breakage, and split ends. Fish oil provides hair all the essential vitamins and oils and makes them thicker and strong.

6. Prevents hair aging

Early hair aging is seen in most of the young generation these days. Our hair turns grey due to an unhealthy diet, carelessness, lack of nutrients, or genetic reasons. Then we use oils or colors that damage our hair further as they contain several chemicals. Fish oil is very beneficial for our hair cells. They keep our hair healthy and prevent hair from graying.

How is fish oil good for hair. Benefits of Fish Oil for Hair
How is fish oil good for hair

How can you use fish oil for hair growth?

One can use fish oil by two simple methods. 

  1. The first and simplest method is adding fatty fish to your diet. You can add fishes like mackerel, salmon, herring to your regular diet. From them, you will get all the necessary nutrients that can keep your hair healthy and strong.
  1. Another way is taking dietary supplements. This is for people who cannot tolerate the odor of fish oil. But always consult your physician before adding any supplement to your daily diet.

Are there any side effects of fish oil?

This oil is beneficial for our overall health. But, omega-3 fatty acids may have some side effects. But, these side effects are minor:

  • It can give you a bad breath
  • You can feel a fishy aftertaste that stays with you throughout the day
  • You can feel nausea
  • You can feel a minor headache
  • Some people face indigestion
  • If you have sensitive skin or stomach, you can suffer from skin rash

It also gives you negative results if you are one some specific meditation, like

  • Anticoagulants
  • Blood pressure medication
  • Contraceptives

So, it is imperative to consult physician before adding it to your diet.

Fish oil has some miraculous effects on our body. So, add it to your regular diet to keep fit and strong and your hair will eventually become healthy and shiny. 

We hope, you found this article – “How Is Fish Oil Good For Hair” helpful and informative. Please do not forget to share it with your friends as sharing is caring ❤️.


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16 thoughts on “How Is Fish Oil Good For Hair?”

  1. Melissa Cushing

    I am just loving this and I do take Fish Oil to boost my good cholesterol and had no idea it would be helpful for thinning hair. I don’t have an issue but am getting older and wold love to prevent that as uch as possible.

  2. We have a stock up on fish oil supplement for my parents. Now that I know this has lots of benefits, I might take some for me too.

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