Turmeric is a spice that grows on a turmeric plant. This spice is widely used in Asian cuisines. In this article, we’ve discussed what happens when you take more turmeric? The benefits & the negative side effects of turmeric on health.
Why should we consume turmeric?
Turmeric has a bitter and warm taste and is used to add some color and flavor to dishes. The root of turmeric is put in use to make several medicines. Turmeric is also used to make cosmetics as it’s beneficial for the skin.
There are numerous health benefits of turmeric. Some of these are discussed below:
Curcumin, found in turmeric, reduces body inflammation. Many diseases are caused because of inflammation. So consuming turmeric may reduce the risk of such diseases.
Turmeric contains antioxidants like curcumin. These powerful antioxidants improve the level of your body’s antioxidants.
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Heart attack
Because of its anti-inflammatory effects, consuming turmeric is beneficial for your heart. So, it lowers the risk of a heart attack.
Blood vessel functioning
Curcumin improves our blood flow and reduces blood pressure. As a result, our blood vessels work better.

Researchers say that curcumin present in turmeric may ease depression and aid anti-depressants to work better.
Turmeric lowers our blood sugar level and fights inflammation. So, it helps people suffering from type 2 diabetes.
Curcumin helps us to fight different viral diseases like flu and herpes. That is why people add turmeric to their tea during weather changes.
Turmeric can lower down the level of bad cholesterol in your body. As a result, your chances of having a heart attack lessen.
Apart from all these, turmeric consumption can also heal arthritis, Alzheimer’s, cancer, bowler syndrome, acne, and many others.
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Are there any side effects of turmeric?
Usually, turmeric is safe when you apply it to your skin. Consuming turmeric is also safe to some extent. If you are consuming turmeric products that contain 8 grams of curcumin for two months, it is safe. We can intake three grams of turmeric for three months. But excess of anything cannot be good. So, if you are consuming more turmeric than you should, it can cause stomach issues, diarrhoea, dizziness, and other health issues. So, always consult your doctor before including turmeric in your daily diet. All the side effects of turmeric are discussed below. But more researches and evidence are required.

Side effects of turmeric:
Low blood sugar
Curcumin, a chemical present in turmeric, may lower your blood sugar level, which is harmful to people who already have low blood sugar. Consuming turmeric can make their blood sugar too low.
During pregnancy
When you add turmeric to your food during pregnancy, it is safe, but taking medical amounts of turmeric during pregnancy can be risky. It promotes the menstrual cycle by stimulating the uterus. This can risk your pregnancy. So, avoid taking turmeric as medical amounts during pregnancy.
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Gallbladder issues
Studies say turmeric can be harmful to people with gallbladder issues. So, if you have bile ducts or gallstones, try avoiding turmeric consumption.
Bleeding issues
When you intake turmeric, your blood clotting process slows down. So, if you have bleeding disorders, consuming turmeric may cause bleeding excessively and bruising.
Hormone sensitiveness
Curcumin is a chemical found in turmeric. This chemical acts like estrogen. So, consuming turmeric may worsen hormone-sensitive conditions. People who have breast cancer, uterine fibroids, endometriosis, or ovarian cancer should avoid turmeric. Though, more researches on this must be done.
Turmeric can be harmful to men. It lowers testosterone levels and lessens sperm movement in men’s bodies. Thus, it can cause infertility in men. So, people who are trying to have a baby must consume turmeric carefully.
Body iron
Turmeric prevents the absorption of iron in our bodies. So, if you have iron deficiency, you must avoid turmeric.
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Liver issues
If you are suffering from any liver issues, you must avoid turmeric consumption. Turmeric can make your liver problems worse. People with digestive problems may suffer from bloating, acidity, and diarrhoea because of turmeric consumption.
If you are in taking an excessive amount of turmeric, it can cause nausea and headache. So, if you already have such issues, you may avoid turmeric.
Skin rash
In some rare cases, consuming turmeric causes skin rash and some other skin issues.
As mentioned above, turmeric slows down the blood clotting process. So, if you are consuming turmeric before, during, or after your surgery, you may have extra bleeding. So, completely avoid turmeric before and after two weeks of your surgery.

The Bottom Line:
So, these are some of the possible side effects of turmeric. But a healthy amount of turmeric is good for you. Always remember, any low-quality turmeric may contain cheap fillers that can harm your health. So, always make sure that you consume good quality turmeric in an adequate amount.
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I’m going to give turmeric a try. I will be careful, though, as with any new supplement. Thank you for this!
You’re welcome 🙂
Tumeric has so many health benefits, I did know some of this but not how it has negative effects on you as well
IKR! Consuming the right amount is fine and safe.
oh wow!!! I had no idea Turmeric is that important!!! I will start to integrate it more into my diet. Thank you so much…
Most welcome 🙂
I’ve gotten into turmeric ginger shots during my journey through health and wellness. I can honestly say it has been a fabulous addition to my diet. It really helps the immune system and overall energy levels I’ve noticed.
That’s great! Thank you 🙂
I’ve heard so many positive statements about the use of turmeric. I had no idea that too much could cause so many issues.
Thank you 🙂
I need to get some tumeric in my diet as there are so many health benefits. But it’s not something we usually cook with x
Supplements would be great! Thank you 🙂
I love turmeric and often add it in my curries and sambals when I cook but did not know the pros and cons of using them. Thanks for your informative post
Most welcome 🙂